Thursday, June 25, 2009

Guns Meat Roses

This is Sivan and Mindy. I've known Sivan for 21 years. We met on a soccer field in South Florida. Sivan comes from Israel. When we met I immediately liked him because he was wearing an Appetite for Destruction t-shirt. I loved Guns N' Roses. I even named my hamster Axl Rose. One week after getting Axl I dropped him in the bathroom and returned him to the pet store because he wasn't perfect anymore. That's what I was like as a child. A neurotic perfection plagued me. It still does but now I focus it on food and my dog. Sivan and Mindy came to visit us in Brooklyn this past weekend and it was close to perfect. This picture was taken moments before we devoured The Goddamn Best Egg Sandwich in the world at The Diner. Chew on this little list of ingredients:

eggs (over easy)
thick brown toast
organic leafy greens
sliced sour pickles
aged gouda
raw purple onions sliced razor thin

hell, yes.

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